Thursday, January 29, 2015

A decision!

In the interest of learning as many new skills as possible Ive decided to build Paul Gartsides 10 clinker dinghy #127.
Im also a fool for a pretty sheer.
Sterling and Sons General Purpose Dinghy was next in line but Will Stirling has made life too easy with his idiot-proof templates (though I plan to put that to the test - the idiot-proof bit).
A post by Adrian Morgan on his blog helped steer me away from adapting an Iain Oughtred design. If it takes a professional clinker boatbuilder a day to figure out how to adapt the backbone assembly from glued to traditional construction then its more than Im prepared to tangle with.
The Sunshine? Looks were against it in the end. My heads been turned.

Lets have a look at John Leathers steps for building a clinker boat:

1. "Preparing a building site, tools and materials"

Hmmm. Not even past one yet.
The building site (or "garden" as my wife optimistically calls it) is there and requires very little preparation (or weeding). It still has the epoxy on the ground from the last build.
Time to assemble the tools. Lets see what were missing. Of the 40 essential tools suggested by the master I want for only 5. A solid workbench for planking will be the subject of a future post. A rebate plane is on order. Ive made do with a planking bevel for some time and will get a 7" bevel that locks properly.
I need the tools specific to clinker building: a roving iron and nippers. Admittedly Im not in a hurry for these. I cant imagine planking will begin this year. I have to mess up a few stem rebates first.
Gartsides plans come with an incredibly detailed list of materials and fastenings. I have a lot of work to do before I start cutting wood so Ill assemble them as I go. Some, like the grown oak crooks for the stem parts, knees and breasthook need templates before I can go shopping. For templates I need step 2.

2. "Laying off the full size hull lines and construction details"

Thats British for "lofting". Excellent. Indoor work with no heavy lifting.
I feel some more reading coming on.


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