Monday, February 2, 2015

Solva Nightfall

Last year and through most of the winter months I made it a rule that I would make at least one trip out to Pembrokeshire, West Wales (or beyond) once a month.  It has not been the case this year and a paddle beyond my local stretch has been along time coming.  Its only the second visit to the sea for my new boat also.  
Myself and Taran arrived at Solva late in the evening and decided to put the last hours of daylight to good use.  We headed out of the harbour walls and on to Green Scar, a small rocky island just offshore.
From Green Scar we paid visit to its neighbouring rock Black Scar.  It was a perfect evening.  A gentle breeze and rolling swell to keep things a little spiced up.
While Taran made best use of the rise and fall of the sea between the rock gardens I reluctantly held back, not wanting to damage my new boat. 
Leaving the Scars with a farewell from a curious grey seal we crossed back over to the mainland to make use of the last of the dying light.
(Above) Looking on to the north Pembroke peninsular and Ramsey Island.  The long stretch of coast which will make up tomorrows paddling.
With the light forever fading taking pictures became more and more difficult, which was a shame because the cliffs rich in fascinating geology, arches and caves looked stunning in the darkening blue nights sky.
(Above & bellow courtesy of Taran)
I made best of what I could in what the sea had to offer constantly aware of any shallow rocks, keeping one eye on the surface.  As night fell we were once again passing back through the harbour walls.  We finished the night off sinking a few pints with Martyn and made plans for the coming morning.  To be continued... 


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