Half way there! I have finally finished stripping the hull. Ive been putting in a little time at the end of each working day, usually getting at least two strips in. Its finally paid off with some progress.
I finished my last boat build post just after I had stripped past the chine (sharp angle). After that progress was very quick, I think I have now perfected the technique. I added the keel strips leaving two moon shaped gaps on either side, then filled in the rest. The last strips were a bit difficult and I think a bit of wood flour and glue filling will be needed. I sawed off the ends and planed them down, they will eventually be capped off with a stem piece. The ends can probably be planed back about another inch, almost to where the internal stem piece is, so you can ignore that chip in the bow.
I have a few slightly darker strips so I tried to be a little creative. Once it is planned, sanded, glassed and varnished the contrast will probably stand out a little more. Either way I not entirelly bothered, whos gonna see the bottom. I stood back and looked on at my achievement and had the urge to pick it up, sling it on my shoulder and go for a paddle. Not quite ready yet!
I spent a few hours pulling out the endless amount of staples, Im gonna try not to use so many in the deck. I then flipped it over an rested it on the floor while I fastened some old carpet to the supports to act like a sling while I work on the deck.
Today I went back with a hammer to gently knock the forms free to remove the strong back. I didnt have the camera on me but it looked great, like an open canoe. I placed the stongback back in and put a few staples back in to keep it from warping. Now work begins on the deck...
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